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HP-3ML. HP3ML. HP-3ML-RTO-18. PHOTO DIODE. TO-18 Type. Photo diode Sensor. 포토다이오드 센서 Item PHOTO DIODE SENSOR Description TO-18 Type. Photo diode Sensor Vendor KODENSHI D/C 00+ Part No. HP-3ML-RTO-18 Q'ty 690 EA Remark bulk
LTR-53BNDM1. LTR-53. 30V150mW. Dual photo diode. Photo Sensor. 포토다이오드 센서. DongHwan Electronics. 동환전자 Item PHOTO DIODE SENSOR Description 30V150mW. Dual photo diode Sensor. Hihg Photo Sensitivity Suitable for infrared radiation. Low junction capacitance High cut-off frequeney. Fast switching time Vendor LITEON D/C 03+ Part No. LTR-53BNDM1 Q'ty 4000 EA Remark bag 1000pcs
SI5312-H. Size:5mm. IRED. IR LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. Sensor. 센서. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR DescriptionSize:5mm. IR LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. VendorAUK D/Cn/a Part No.SI5312-H Q'ty1000 EA Remarkbulk
HI-1520. HI1520. Size:5mm. IR LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics ItemIR LED SENSOR Description Size:5mm. IR LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. 적외선 다이오드. 적외선다이오드센서 수광부:KSM-603LM VendorHUNIN D/Cn/a Part No.HI-1520 HI-1520 Q'ty 750 EA Remarkbulk
SI5315-C. IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. IR LED SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics ItemSENSOR-IR LED Description Size:5mm. IR-LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. (수광부: 603LM) VendorOEC D/Cn/a Part No.SI5315-C 대치품으로 있음. Q'ty2250 EA Remarkbulk 200pcs
S6926. S2506-02 의 대치품으로 사용가능 함. SI Photodiode. HAMAMATSU PHOTODIODE SENSOR. 포토다이오드 센서. DongHwan Electronics. 동환전자. ItemPHOTODIODE SENSOR Description SI Photodiode. For General Photometry (Visible Light Only / Visible Light to IR) S2506-02 의 대치품으로 사용가능 함. VendorHAMAMATSU D/C04+ Part No.S6926 Q'ty4000 EA Remarkbox 400pcs
HP-3FR2S. High-output power for IRED. Photodiode. 포토다이오드. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics ItemPHOTO DIODE DescriptionHigh-output power for IRED. Photodiode. 포토다이오드. VendorOPTO D/Cn/a Part No.HP-3FR2S Q'ty167 EA Remarkbulk
CNB10010SL. Reflective photosensor. Non-contact point SW object sensing sebsor. 반사형포토센서. 비접촉SW, 물체감지센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Item SENSOR Description Size:2.7x3.4x1.5mm. Input (Lightemitting diode) Reverse voltage:6V 50mA 75mW. Output (Phototransistor) Emitter-collector voltage:6V 20mA 75mW. Reflective photosensor. 반사형 포토센서. Non-contact point SW, object sensing sensor. 비접촉 SW, 물체 감지센서. Vendor PANASONIC D/C n/a Part No. CNB10010SL Q'ty 450 EA Remark Broken reel
S6926. S2506-02 의 대치품으로 사용가능 함. SI Photodiode. For General Photometry. SI PHOTO DIODE SENSOR. 포토다이오드 센서. 동환전자. Item Si PHOTODIODE SENSOR. Description SI Photodiode. For General Photometry (Visible Light Only / Visible Light to IR) S2506-02 의 대치품으로 사용가능 함. Vendor HAMAMATSU D/C 04+ Part No. S6926 Q'ty 5270 EA Remark box 400pcs S6926-DataSheet.pdf S6926-Dimensional Outlines.pdf
LTR-53BNDM1. 30V150mW. Dual photo diode. Sensor. 포토다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item PHOTO DIODE Description 30V150mW. Dual photo diode. Hihg Photo Sensitivity Suitable for infrared radiation. Low junction capacitance High cut-off frequeney. Fast switching time Vendor LITEON D/C 03+ Part No. LTR-53BNDM1 Q'ty 6058 EA Remark bag 1000pcs LTR-53BNDM1.pdf
PH302. 302. 32V 150mW. PIN PHOTO DIODE SENSOR. 핀 포토다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item SENSOR Description 32V 150mW. PIN PHOTO DIODE Vendor NEC D/C n/a Part No. PH302 Q'ty 168 EA Remark bulk PIN PHOTO DIODE SENSOR. 핀포토다이오드센서 PH302. PH302(1).pdf
KED352RKD. GaAlAs Red LED. Photodetector LED SENSOR. 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item SENSOR Description GaAlAs Red LED. Photodetector LED Vendor KYOSEMI D/C n/a Part No. KED352RKD Q'ty 400 EA Remark bulk KED352RKD.pdf
BIR-NM13C2-IAG. SIDE-LOOK PACKAGE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE SENSOR. (IR LED). 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item SENSOR Description SIDE-LOOK PACKAGE LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (IR LED) Vendor BRIGHT D/C 09+ Part No. BIR-NM13C2-IAG Q'ty 1000 EA Remark bulk 500pcs BIR-NM13C2-IAG.pdf
ST5312-H. IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR Description IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. 적외선 다이오드 Vendor AUK D/C 00+ Part No. ST5312-H Q'ty 1000 EA Remark bulk
SIR-56SB3. IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. SENSOR. 적외선 LED. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR Description IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. 적외선 다이오드 LED. 적외선 LED. Vendor ROHM D/C 94+ Part No. SIR-56SB3 Q'ty 40000 EA Remark box 1000pcs SIR-56SB3(0).pdf
IR333-H0-A. IR333-H0. IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. (Blue Color) SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR Description IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. (Blue Color) RoHs. 적외선 다이오드 Vendor EVERLIGHT D/C 05+ Part No. IR333-H0-A Q'ty 5000 EA Remark Bulk 500pcs IR333-H0.pdf
HI-1520. Size:5mm. IR LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR Description Size:5mm. IR LED. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. 적외선 다이오드. 적외선다이오드센서 Vendor HUNIN D/C n/a Part No. HI-1520 Q'ty 900 EA Remark bulk
LN59. LN59L. LNA2702L IR LED-bidirectional emission Tpye. Infrared emitting diode.SENSOR. 양방향 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan El Item IR LED SENSOR Description Size:4.0x6.0x1.8mm. IR-LED. bidirectional emission Tpye Infrared Light Emitting Diode 양방향 적외선 다이오드 Vendor PANASONICS D/C 00+ Part No. LN59 LN59L. LNA2702L Q'ty 500 EA Remark bulk
GL453. IR LED-bidirectional emission Tpye Infrared emitting diode.SENSOR. 양방향 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR Description IR LED-bidirectional emission Tpye Infrared emitting diode Vendor SHARP D/C 04+ Part No. GL453 Q'ty 4000 EA Remark box 2000pcs GL453.pdf
GL451V. GL451. BIDIRECTIONAL EMISSION TYPE INFRARED LIGHT EMITTING DIODE. SENSOR. 양방향 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. Item DongHwan Electronics SENSOR Description BIDIRECTIONAL EMISSION TYPE INFRARED LIGHT EMITTING DIODE 양방향 적외선 다이오드 센서. Vendor SHARP D/C 03+ Part No. GL451V Q'ty 1000 EA Remark bulk 100pcs GL451V.pdf
PP1101W-TR. CHIP/SMD PIN PHOTO-DIODE. SENSOR. 핀 포터 다이오드. 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item CHIP PIN PHOTO-DIODE Description Size:3220 Vendor STANLEY D/C 99+ Part No. PP1101W-TR Q'ty 9500 EA Remark reel 2500pcs
HP-3MLR2. HP-3ML. TO-18 Type. Photo diode Sensor. 포토다이오드. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item SENSOR Description Photodiode Sensor. TO-18 Type. HP-3ML Vendor KODENSHI D/C n/a Part No. HP-3MLR2. HP-3ML. Q'ty 1150 EA Remark bulk
SP-1ML. PHOTO DIODE SENSOR. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item SENSOR Description PHOTO DIODE Vendor KODENSHI D/C 06+ Part No. SP-1ML Q'ty 10 EA Remark bulk SP-1ML.pdf
S6926. S2506-02 의 대치품으로 사용가능 함. SI Photodiode. For General Photometry. SI PHOTO DIODE SENSOR. 포토다이오드 센서. 동환전자 Item Si Photodiode Sensor. Description SI Photodiode. For General Photometry (Visible Light only / Visible Light to IR) S2506-02 의 대치품으로 사용가능 함. Vendor HAMAMATSU D/C 04+ Part No. S6926 Q'ty 4400 EA Remark box 400pcs S6926-DataSheet.pdf S6926-Dimensional Outlines.pdf S6926-DataSheet.pdf 0.41MB S6926-Dimensional Outlines.pdf 0.17MB
QED123. 5mm-IR LED. Plastic Infrared Light Emitting Diode. SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item SENSOR Description 5mm-IR LED. Plastic Infrared Light Emitting Diode 적외선 다이오드 Vendor FAIRCHILD D/C 02+ Part No. QED123 Q'ty 57600 EA Remark 1200pcs taping reel QED123.pdf
CL-1L5EU. CL-1L5. IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. SENSOR. 적외선 다이오드 센서. 동환전자. DongHwan Electronics Item IR LED SENSOR Description IR LED-5mm. Infrared Light Emitting Diode. (수광부: 603LM) 적외선 다이오드 Vendor OEC D/C 95+ Part No. CL-1L5EU Q'ty 3000 EA Remark bulk 100pcs